My Experience in SET

Hello there, students of SET-NU, this is a short testimonial and counselling note that I want to post for all to read and be blessed by it. This is especially for the CSE, IT and ECE students currently studying at SET-NU.

I have said this during my tenure and will reiterate to all the students of the branches I mentioned earlier. You have EVERYTHING you need AND MORE at SET-NU. Thus, you have no excuse for failure since you have all the necessary facilities you need. The only condition being that you use it for the good.

The next time you enter the computer lab, instead of seeing it as a place where you can download the latest movies and play online games, view it as a place where you can improve your coding skills or download essential learning materials. The advantage you have over every college in the world is that if you consult your lecturers at any point of time, they will always welcome you and help as much as they can. Due to the small size of each batch, lecturers in SET pay attention to each student and are welcoming to all sorts of crazy or seemingly stupid doubts you may have with no judgement. You can also ask doubts repeatedly. Something you will never get to ask in other colleges across India.

When I first joined SET-NU, like many, I was disappointed with the infrastructure. But finally, I thought of only looking at the positives and making the most of it. After I changed my mindset, I could start noticing the huge advantages we had there. During class, I would ask doubts repeatedly. When I had an issue with my code, I would straight away go to the Staff Office and ask my lecturers to clear my doubts and they would be ever ready to help me. To the ECE students, I strongly advise you to learn to code. More than 50% of ECE students end up doing a coding related job further in their careers. Clear your basics on assembly language and object-oriented programming. For all the branches I mentioned earlier, please look at Networking Engineer as another career option. If you are into logic, numbers and are interested in how computers and devices communicate with each other across the world then go for it. Networking is like a core branch, C++ and JAVA may one day become obsolete, but the world will always require Networking engineers. It is a core branch that will always be required by every sector for maybe forever.

Last and definitely not the least, do take advantage of the various workshops and competitions held in the college. If you do well it is a huge boost for your confidence. During my tenure, we attended two simple workshops – Line Following Robot and Android Development workshop. But these two simple workshops opened my mind to the possibilities and power of coding. I realized how by just a few lines of code we could solve real world problems by finding patterns and automating repeated tasks. We got to compete as semi-finalist at IIT Delhi in Android development and everything was funded by the college. It was a huge learning experience and exposure for me and my team.

So dear students, the coming world is a digital one as you can already see it. You are going to be a huge contributor to this world. Learn as much as you can during your crucial 3-year period (not counting the 1st due to the common pool subjects) and emerge as learned professionals, solution finders, entrepreneurs or even entertainment providers (Gaming Industry). All the best and God bless you all. Long live SET-NU. 


Signal and IT Officer


“CSE and IT students, learn the basics of Big Data Analytics, AI and Python whenever you have time as these are topics asked in almost every test and interview.”